.. _open-source: Getting Started on Open Source Airflow ====================================== When running open-source Airflow, your setup may vary. This guide assumes you have access to edit the underlying image. Create a virtual environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a virtual environment in your ``Dockerfile`` using the sample below. Be sure to replace ``<your-dbt-adapter>`` with the actual adapter you need (i.e. ``dbt-redshift``, ``dbt-snowflake``). It's recommended to use a virtual environment because dbt and Airflow can have conflicting dependencies. .. code-block:: docker FROM my-image:latest # install dbt into a virtual environment RUN python -m venv dbt_venv && source dbt_venv/bin/activate && \ pip install --no-cache-dir <your-dbt-adapter> && deactivate Install Cosmos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install ``astronomer-cosmos`` however you install Python packages in your environment. Move your dbt project into the DAGs directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make a new folder, ``dbt``, inside your local project's ``dags`` folder. Then, copy/paste your dbt project into the directory and create a file called ``my_cosmos_dag.py`` in the root of your DAGs directory. Note: your dbt projects can go anywhere on the Airflow image. By default, Cosmos looks in the ``/usr/local/airflow/dags/dbt`` directory, but you can change this by setting the ``dbt_project_dir`` argument when you create your DAG instance. For example, if you wanted to put your dbt project in the ``/usr/local/airflow/dags/my_dbt_project`` directory, you would do: .. code-block:: python from cosmos import DbtDag, ProjectConfig, ProfileConfig, ExecutionConfig from cosmos.profiles import PostgresUserPasswordProfileMapping profile_config = ProfileConfig( profile_name="default", target_name="dev", profile_mapping=PostgresUserPasswordProfileMapping( conn_id="airflow_db", profile_args={"schema": "public"}, ), ) my_cosmos_dag = DbtDag( project_config=ProjectConfig( "/usr/local/airflow/dags/my_dbt_project", ), profile_config=profile_config, execution_config=ExecutionConfig( dbt_executable_path=f"{os.environ['AIRFLOW_HOME']}/dbt_venv/bin/dbt", ), # normal dag parameters schedule_interval="@daily", start_date=datetime(2023, 1, 1), catchup=False, dag_id="my_cosmos_dag", default_args={"retries": 2}, ) .. note:: In some cases, especially in larger dbt projects, you might run into a ``DagBag import timeout`` error. This error can be resolved by increasing the value of the Airflow configuration `core.dagbag_import_timeout <https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/configurations-ref.html#dagbag-import-timeout>`_.